Unique olive wood and Epoxy Resin lamp from Turkey.
Why Beauty is Important?
Over the last decades more and more studies have found that surroundings that are actually aesthetically pleasing to us can improve our well-being, our behaviour, cognitive function and mood. Our body and brains react measurably and visibly to everything that surround us. Beauty in particular has such a strong impact on our well-being that making useful things beautiful can actually make them better. Maybe it would be worth giving it more space in this man-made world we have created.
Metric Dimensions; Height : 24 centimeters,
Width : 5.4 centimeters,
Depth : 4.6 centimeters.
Imperial Dimensions ; Height : 9.44 Inches,
Width : 2.12 Inches,
Depth : 1.81 Inches,
Epoxy resin, Olive wood, plywood, LED's , 12V AC to DC Adapter.
Made in Turkey.
⚡️Customize your lamp!
If you have any particular spesifications about your lamp like, color, wood type, measures, color, LED type, you just need to contact us!
The meaning of Olive Tree
Olive and olive oil have been symbols of abundance, justice, health, pride, victory, prosperity, wisdom, reason, purification, rebirth, important virtues and values for humanity, and holiness in all the holy books it has taken place in. ... According to the Old Testament, olive oil is a symbol of prosperity and abundance.
Freud described blue as calm, like the ocean. Faber Birren says that blue lowers blood pressure. Arabs, on the other hand, believe that blue stones, turquoise, slow the flow of blood. That's why the evil eye bead is blue stone. It is a calming color, in the West they paint bridge railings blue to reduce suicides because of the calming effect of blue. In an elementary school in America, they changed the color of the walls from white and orange to blue and saw the children's grades improve. Their mischief has also decreased. In particular, dark blue denotes efficiency, authority and eternity. The logo of many brands in the world is blue. The colors most often used by banks in their logos are green and blue. They emphasize that they are big with blue and reliable with green. Green and blue represent strength. Blue is a color that reduces the desire to eat, so fast-food chains do not use the color blue for anything. They also use blue color and logo on all diet products. Blue is used because milk and dairy products are also healthy. Research by Marie Claire magazine revealed that the covers printed in blue are the best-selling issues. The most important feature of blue is that it can be noticed even from afar.Unique Mothers Day Gift