Unique olive wood and Epoxy Resin lamp from Turkey.
Why Beauty is Important?
Over the last decades more and more studies have found that surroundings that are actually aesthetically pleasing to us can improve our well-being, our behaviour, cognitive function and mood. Our body and brains react measurably and visibly to everything that surround us. Beauty in particular has such a strong impact on our well-being that making useful things beautiful can actually make them better. Maybe it would be worth giving it more space in this man-made world we have created.
Metric Dimensions; Height : 20.5 centimeters,
Width : 5.2 centimeters,
Depth : 3.2 centimeters.
Imperial Dimensions ; Height : 8.07 Inches,
Width : 2.047 Inches,
Depth : 1.25 Inches,
Plug transformator will be sent with the package and included to price if you are using standart home plug types.
If you have another preference about plug type converter please contact me.
✅ Does not emit any particles and is safe for daily use.
🔆 Avoid direct sunlight to avoid yellowing over time.
🟢 Our product is strong and reliable, but it can still be damaged in cases such as crushing, scratching and breaking.
♨️ The LEDs inside can cause reasonable heat. However, protection from external heat factors will ensure a longer life of the product
Epoxy resin, Olive wood, plywood, Blue and Yellow LED's 12V AC to DC Adapter.
Made in Turkey.
⚡️Customize your lamp!
If you have any particular spesifications about your lamp like, color, wood type, measures, color, LED type, you just need to contact us!
The meaning of Olive Tree
Olive and olive oil have been symbols of abundance, justice, health, pride, victory, prosperity, wisdom, reason, purification, rebirth, important virtues and values for humanity, and holiness in all the holy books it has taken place in. ... According to the Old Testament, olive oil is a symbol of prosperity and abundance.
When you take important notes and underline the places we want to remember with a blue pen, you will realize that you have not forgotten them. It is a color that is permanent in our memory.
Since blue is an appetite suppressant color, it is recommended for people who are on a diet to use this color at home and in my dinnerware. However, if you have a business on food, you should avoid using this color. What business owner wants to wreak havoc on customers?
It is seen that people who use the color blue frequently in their lives are peaceful, understanding and harmonious people compared to those around them. They are happy, tolerant individuals with themselves. They are patient, self-sacrificing and very self-sacrificing people.
Pink color arises from the marriage of red and white color. Therefore, it takes its mobility from red and balances it with white color purity. When action and success come together, of course, impressive results occur. More pink brings out more passion and energy.
Pink is feminine and romantic, loving and sincere, thoughtful and caring. It replaces the physical passion of red with a gentle loving energy.
The color pink and its meaning are intuitiveness, understanding, empathy, sensitivity, gentleness and compassion.
In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope. It is a positive color that inspires warm and comforting feelings and a sense that everything will be alright.
Pink calms our emotional energies and anger. It alleviates anger-related emotions such as aggression, resentment, abandonment, and neglect. Studies have confirmed that exposure to large amounts of pink can have a calming effect on the nerves, but this can cause physical weakness in humans. Violent aggressors who have been sentenced and incarcerated in the United States are successfully placated by being placed in a pink room for a specified period of time. This period is reasonable and may cause adverse reaction if prolonged.